Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Cost of a Trip to New York

So I went to New York City for a week and now I’m sitting jet-lagged trying to asses the cost of the trip. Besides the obvious $2500 I spend, I had to do a series of test games against the Entropy mod to see how it changed my APM. Before the trip I was regularly doing 100-105 APM in this matchup.

Matchup Map Length APM Opening
PvT Othello 15:34 89/86 Reaver Drop
PvT Othello 7:52 90/88 Reaver Drop
PvT Othello 8:39 94/93 Reaver Drop
PvT Othello 23:22 98/96 Reaver Drop
PvT Othello 17:11 86/85 Reaver Drop


This is annoying. Being out of the loop even for a short while has serious implications for how fast I am. My suckiness seems infinite at moments like this.

Now why would it take me more than 10 minutes to beat the computer? Well, first of all: The entropy mod is a lot better than the regular AI, but of course still beatable in less that 10 minutes. But I use this as an exercise and refuse to do things like SCV-pulling or other cheeses against the computer.

When playing the games I realized how often I would create an assimilator on 11 and then forget to put probes on it to mine gas. Stupid me.

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